News & Insights

Join the 2018/19 National Survey on the Cooperative Difference

How well do you know your members?  Serving a diverse membership presents a significant challenge for electric cooperatives.  Raise your level of member understanding by participating in the 2018-2019 National Survey on the Cooperative Difference. 

The National Survey on the Cooperative Difference is an annual assessment of member opinion conducted by TSE Services in collaboration with Touchstone Energy Cooperatives.  Member feedback highlights areas of strength, weakness, opportunity and potential threats to your cooperative.  A list of key survey metrics include:

This year’s study also highlights several “critical issues” considered key to guiding future cooperative business strategy.  ‘Critical issues’ examined in previous surveys include electric vehicles, smart thermostats and other demand response initiatives, digital and outage communications and interests in value-added programs and services. 

All reports contain comparisons to the national benchmark measures generated from the national cooperative survey results database.  National benchmarks provide important best-in-class performance measures from cooperatives nationwide.    

Since 2004, over 400 cooperatives have participated in the national survey.  Don’t miss your chance to be part of this important study.

Next Step
Are you ready to take the next step?  Sign up for the 2018-2019 Touchstone Energy Cooperative Difference Survey by clicking on the following link and complete the online form: complete this form.  The deadline to register is December 31, 2018 and interviews begin soon!

Still Undecided
Unsure about the value of member feedback?  Take a quick tour of our previous research efforts by reviewing Touchstone Energy’s historical compilation of research highlights from the National Survey on the Cooperative Difference on

Additional questions can be answered by our staff.  Thanks for your attention today.

Tom Laing, Vice President Research / or call 919.875.3087
Scott Saff, Manager Research Services / or call 919.875.3037